kPicasa Gallery 0.2.9

February 28th, 2012 10 Comments »

I received an email from WordPress telling me that the Highslide licence was incompatible with the WordPress licence. Unfortunately, I had to remove Highslide from kPicasa Gallery. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Your plugin has had to be temporarily withdrawn from the WordPress plugin, as it contains code that has not been released under the GPL (or a compatible license)

The file containing the code is: highslide

Plugins are, and have always been, required to be GPL (or compatible) licensed, as clearly stated at

Home network/multimedia topology

February 14th, 2012 No Comments »

I had a little fun and laid out how every device in my home are linked together. The ultimate goal behind this setup was to be able to play  music in the living room. The music is stored on the DiskStation NAS and it’s able to stream to the AirPort Express that is connected to my amplifier. I can control the DiskStation with my iPhone, iPad or any computer. They all have access to my full library.